
As a seasoned Marketing & Sales Executive, Chris Mapson has strategized, created, and implemented Direct Response Marketing initiatives with close to 1,000 Companies in over 150 different Industries always maintaining one (1) key focus -- Revenue Growth.

In addition, over the past 5 years, together with a small (but mighty!) tribe of Christian Entrepreneurs from his hometown in Western Canada, Chris has been a party to over 207 Case Studies where the power of prayer has been employed in Sales and other challenging Business situations resulting in well over ¾ of $1 Billion (CAD) in Gross Revenues.

Always quick to give all glory to God, one of Chris’s life verses is:

“Remember the Lord your God. He is the one who gives you the power to be successful in order to fulfill the covenant he confirmed to your ancestors with an oath.” Deuteronomy 8:18 NLT

The Sales & increase “coincidences” started whirling all around me about 5 yrs ago! (But, neither you nor I believe in “coincidences,” now do we?) ;-)

Again & again, I would GASP out loud when I would hear of another friend’s success -- or -- when someone I knew landed a really nice Sale …

“Hey!” I would realize -- sometimes in total shock --
“I prayed for that Sale to come in!”

And so it began …

… a rather unsettling and mysterious yet now undeniable connection between an increase in Business and … the power of prayer.

Genesis ⇒ A Tiny Tribe of On-Fire Believers
Who “Pray In” Sales!

Somebody started up a Businessmen’s Prayer Group at my local Church. So I joined in and asked my burning questions:

“Do you guys think it’s possible that we could actually ‘pray in’ Sales? I mean, is praying for an increase in a Business … ‘a thing’?”

“It certainly cannot hurt!” they replied. And, enthusiastically added …

“Why Don’t We Try ‘Praying In’ Some Sales?”

So we did …

And, almost immediately, 3 different men closed Sales worth an identical $50,000 each! Now the Lord had us all intrigued:

Why $50k Sales?
Why 3 Deals?
Why 3 different people?

We had more questions than answers, it seemed.

Then, On Back-to-Back Weeks …

… 2 different men were notified -- while they were on their way to our Meeting! -- that they had won $8,000 Contracts!

Why $8,000 Sales?
Why 2 back-to-back weeks?
And, why 2 different men?

Understatement of the Year: 
We were pleasantly surprised!

Dave’s Struggle -- Until We Prayed …

Dave had been struggling. Big time. He just could not break an artificial “Commissions ceiling” that was over him.

All he had to do was close a higher dollar value Sale. This would bump him up into a higher percentage Commission -- on a much bigger transaction!

But, to Brother Dave … the struggle was real.

So We Prayed …

We broke off that artificial “Commissions ceiling” in the mighty name of Jesus!

Yes, we corporately set Dave free …

Free to succeed
Free to increase
Free to sell
Free to find -- and close! -- those higher dollar value Customers, and
Free to earn those heftier, healthier Commissions.

And, the very next week … 🤯

… there was Dave, standing in the middle of our Tribe, hands raised to heaven, thanking and glorifying God for helping him smash that artificial barrier and land his “personal best” Sale … c/w a wonderful $14,000 cash Commission!

Praise Jesus! We had absolutely no doubt, this was a clear and direct answer to prayer!

Our entire small Tribe burst into praise and thanksgiving at the goodness of God who had answered our prayers!

And Many Good News Stories of Sales Increases Continue …
To This Very Day!

To date, we’ve had …

Over 207 documented Case Studies of Sales specifically being “prayed in.”

And this has resulted in …

Well over ¾ of $1 Billion (CAD) in Sales prayed in … so far! 

All glory to God!

“4 May he grant your heart’s desires
and make all your plans succeed.
5 May we shout for joy when we hear of
your victory
and raise a victory banner in the
name of our God.
May the LORD answer all your prayers.”

Psalm 20:4,5 NLT

Here are the reasons you can depend on Chris Mapson to help you fund your Kingdom dreams:

  • REPUTABLE – Chris Mapson has been around since 2018, a respected leader in his field and community.
  • EXPERIENCED – Our proudest accomplishment is the large number of long term clients who put their trust in us year after year.
  • INTEGRITY  Building a reputation of integrity takes years, but it takes only a second to lose. We don’t believe in cutting corners. The foundation of our reputation is our commitment to do the right thing at all times, regardless of whether anyone is watching.
  • RESOURCES  We offer a wide variety of development and training programs built on timeless principles that get results.
  • CUSTOMIZABLE  All of our curriculum can be customized to specifically address your individual and organizational needs.
  • 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE – We want you to be completely satisfied with our services. We will do whatever it takes to make you happy. No hassles, no problems.



"Since Chris started praying for my new coaching programme, the number of clients increased five times in the groups and doubled for individual clients. And I only started with my programme five months ago.

So, you don't need to be very good at maths to conclude that you will greatly profit from Chris' support. For those who want their business to rise and shine, I highly recommend Chris' support for praying in more sales! May God be praised for people like him!"



"Before working with Chris, I was struggling with faith to continue in business. Things had been going very well before COVID hit, but since then things began to slide.

He helped me work and pray through my issues of faith and practical points of change and adjustment, in both my heart attitude and business process.

Today I am encouraged and fired up to continue to build a successful business!"



"Thank you Chris! This was the best experience I have ever had and felt while being prayed for."








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Business S. M. A. R. T. T. Prayers: How To "Pray In" Your Increase by Chris Mapson

This eBook is one of Chris Mapson's most popular publications available as a free download. Inside of this eBook, you will learn:

  • The Documented Case Studies of Sales & increase actually being “prayed in”.
  • The Key Scripture References that will BOOST your faith!
  • The 6 proven-effective Business SMARTT Prayer tactics, techniques & strategies you can implement today to increase Sales!